Bucks Beautiful Bits
We’re happy to offer an addition to our Educational Program. Melissa Palmer, a Master Gardener and Florist by trade, broadcasts brief clips highlighting people, places and plants unique to our area. Throughout the year, Melissa introduces us to fascinating community members, fun public and private places, and shares great gardening tips. Be sure to tune in to her reports on the wonderful work Bucks Beautiful and our partners are doing to enhance Bucks County.
View all of our Bucks Beautiful Bits topics on our YouTube Channel

“Holiday Planter” View our 1 minute demo on creating a festive winter planter using materials found in nature.
“Bucks County Seed Share” Melissa introduces us to Heather and Jean, founders of The Bucks County Seed Share. They have created a free resource for our community with the mission to save, collect and freely share open-pollinated seeds for home gardeners.